Jest wszechobecna, choć niewidzialna. Miłość.
"Nie jestem pewien do czego służy miłość, ale tak mniej więcej wydaje mi się, że do kupowania Ci świeżego chleba, gdy jeszcze śpisz, do podawania ręcznika gdy wychodzisz spod prysznica, do parzenia Ci kawy i przyjmowania za to uśmiechu, do chowania Cię pod parasolem albo w dłoniach, do niewierzenia w cellulitis, do niewidzenia zmarszczki, do słuchania z Tobą muzyki i spacerowania palcami po Tobie..."
Cloudy Diary
The woman I became costed me people, relationships, spaces, material things... and it costed me people. But I choose her over everything. And I believe it's hard work being A PERSON - you have to do it every single day. You can feel there were years not worth a single day, and you can feel that there are hours worth twice as much. I don't know how long I lasted with this rollercoaster of emotions, each time so high. This years was so intense. And here we are. I feel yours kisses on my forehead each time I moved at night. And I knew, that sometimes peace in heart is as important as butterflies in stomach. But maybe relationship should be al dente. Sometimes I just want to watch you working on your laptop, and sometimes I want you to make love to me, enough loud to make everyone annoyed with our happiness. I still remember theirs smiles, I can recognize their faces and still put it into the correct order in my life. Sometimes all these sad facts seem to stop matter, because h...
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