Love Message.

First of all, I want you to realize that I do really like you. I find it quite insulting that after everything, you think I don't. You seem to think I'm a bad person, simply because I'm confident and strong. I'm not a bad person, I really care about you. Weak/beta men aren't gonna make you happy, no matter how much you think they like you and I think you'll realize this too late...Why throw this away? This is the most real thing I've ever experienced. As I said, I think you are overthinking the situation, neither of us knows how we will feel in the future and to prematurely end something before knowing what I think is silly. You're so clever... and kind and funny and beautiful and that is why I like you. We kiss great, we have a great time and we find each other attractive... why would you want to throw that away? Nothing lasts forever but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth having in the first place. You said that you don't regret the time you spent with me, but I think you will certainly regret the time you don't spend with me. I could be wrong. I can't promise you anything other than my honesty and I wouldn't expect anything else but that from you. So if you honestly mean you want it to end I'll accept that... but from what you've said, I really don't believe you. If you wanna contact me in the future, feel free.

....we didn't even finish star wars...

At night people seem closer, everything goes down to a whisper, everything feels more. It is beautiful to be able to have something in your life that you are sure of, isn't it? Fuck, the truth is that we can only be sure of ourselves. Because when I look into his eyes, I really try to believe him in all these words, and when he hugged me I feel that it has to make sense. But it's a dream. 
You can not make people sure that you are always there for them. That your world will always be thrown away just to make them happy. That you'll stay. Don't serve yourself, on a tray with the addition of sweet words and gestures. You can't. People then start to think that they deserve it. And they just stop appreciating. Now I am leaving such a relationship, earlier before he can acknowledge that he has received my presence from life for free. There are such acquaintances that give a temporary illusion of happiness. They are like a credit card. You do not realize how much you incur and how much you will have to pay. You think that what you get is priceless. It's only later that you realize that all this illusion was not really worth a single moment. Anyway, I still have hope that my little infinity is worth to have. It was my decision or ours? I love surprises, that's why I close my eyes when I shoot. I shoot decisions - usually wrong. How many times I thought I have won a lottery, I have won the best prize - just to be later disappointed and sad in cold October evenings.

But I don't want to be sad right now. People are so afraid of disappointment that they do not even try to be happy. But it's better to be disappointed twice than ever happy. Destiny decides who appears in your life, but you decide who stays in it - if we had a chance, would anyone of us want the other to stay? And we feel weird. We have some trouble to find hope in hopelessness. Again. At night people seem closer, everything goes down to a whisper, everything feels more. Nights are just for us, I knew it in the first place. Oh, how wonderful would be to have days... Day by day I could remind you how wonderful it is to feel the closeness of your body. I could help you remember what is good and forget what is wrong. I could remind you who you are when life is on fire and you will start to doubt yourself. In the middle of the day, I could break the door and kiss you as long as you remember that fear is only fear and that you can control it. I think you're trying to play so brave, but I think there is bravery in being soft. 

Is it all going to end after morning sex, with morning getting up, with morning coffee? With a mug of coffee, at the bottom of which is written in indistinct letters ''Forget about it''. It only happens in the literature that he suddenly understands that she is his whole world...

We start as strangers. We will finish it the same way. 


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